Poison Pill: A Comics Anthology (Caroline Cash, M.S. Harkness, Sam Szabo, Heather Loase, Victoria Douglas, Audra Stang)

Poison Pill: A Comics Anthology (Caroline Cash, M.S. Harkness, Sam Szabo, Heather Loase, Victoria Douglas, Audra Stang)


POISON PILL, a comics anthology featuring work by Caroline Cash, Sam Szabo, Victoria Douglas, M.S. Harkness, Heather Loase and Audra Stang — back at Wig Shop LONG after I thought I wasn’t going to see any more copies. Black and White Interiors, perfect bound. One of my favorite recent anthologies full of top tier work. Very limited stock available, don’t miss your chance. All copies with Stang’s “Philly variant” cover.

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